“Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.” –Audrey Hepburn I don’t know if it’s just me, but this summer has been hotter than any I can remember. And the day we shot these photos was no exception. My friends thought I’d lost my mind when I told them I was planning to shoot on such a sweltering summer day.…
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This isn’t going to be a post about body positivity – per se. And, I won’t try to explain (once again) how revolutionary (to me) it truly is that I not only wore a cobalt blue lace romper on the streets of Downtown LA that showed off my legs, but I let someone take pictures of me…and then I posted those pictures on the Internet (un-retouched no less)…and why you should, too! Nope, this isn’t that post.
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Rather than decking myself out in Stars and Stripes this Independence Day, I opted for a low-key patriotic look. As such, it was the perfect opportunity to show off my new Slink Jeans.
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“It always feels great to be at the start of something new. It’s almost like a revolution, in a way.” – Freida Pinto Welcome to The Chief of Style, a plus size style blog that celebrates self-love and body-positivity! Here, I’ll be sharing my personal style choices as well as tips and tricks for other curvy fashionistas. And, I’ll be bringing…
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“Self respect, self worth and self love all start with self. Stop looking outside of yourself for your value.” – Rob Liano Lately, with 90s fashion making a comeback, whenever I go shopping, I’m often nudged down memory lane. When I saw these overalls hanging on the rack at Charlotte Russe+, I immediately recalled childhood memories. As girly as I was,…
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