“Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it.” – Yves Saint Laurent While most of the country is experiencing chilly Fall temperatures, Southern California has been in the middle of a heatwave. As such, I haven’t needed to pluck a warm coat or jacket – let alone boots or…
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“In order to kick ass you must first lift up your foot.” — Jen Sincero I have always been a fan of boots, but as I got older they stopped loving me (and my large calves). That’s why I nearly died from shock/excitement a couple of weeks ago when I found about a dozen different styles and colors of over-the-knee…
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“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” –Coco Chanel I couldn’t wait to finally get my hands on a piece from the new plus size clothing brand, Premme. If you’ve been living under a rock, you may not know that this new fashion company is a collaboration between well-known feminist fashion and style influencers, Gabi Gregg and…
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“A simple hello could lead to a million things.” –Unknown Hey, girl, hey! I just got back from Hot Springs, Arkansas (Yes, Arkansas!) where the Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS) held its annual non-conference-conference called the Conference and Mentoring Project (CAMP). The trip was quite fruitful: I spoke on a panel, made several professional connections, met some new friends, got a…
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For all of my fellow Eloquii lovers out there, this post is for you! I recently went to Washington, D.C. for a journalism conference. While there, I made sure to pay a visit to the Eloquii store at the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City – one of just three Eloquii stores in the country! Because I knew I’d be in…
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